Party people,

Paranoia has had a strange place in my life. Periodically I think that people are stealing my ideas, so I keep my notebook closed whenever I go out in public. I think that, when I'm away from my work desk, the IT people come in and hack into my account to review my internet browsing history (and for some reason I don't delete my history before I go on break, as if subconsciously I enjoy this paranoia, as if it is a basic need for my psyche to always be cautious and wary and untrusting [also, why do I screw around on the internet when I should be at work?]).

Somehow, gamers all have a paranoia that their idea was stolen for the fighting game Marvel v. Capcom. This is the game where all Capcom characters such as those from the Street Fighter series come together to fight those from Marvel Comics, Spider-Man, X-Men, Iron Man, etc. Indeed, a LARGE number of gamers often think about putting certain characters together in a game to see them fight. A 'who would win' curiosity. You know you have the same kind of ideas some time:

--For you literary folk, who would win in a great American battle, Edgar Allen Poe or Walt Whitman (forget that fairy, talking about how the grass grows, Poe's a savage!!)

--Or, would Han Solo win against Indiana Jones? Nope. Mr. Ford said it himself, Han Solo's a pansy who needs his blaster. Dr. Jones would lay him out with one punch.

Anyway, gamers often have ideas like this about their favorite video game characters. And just a few years ago, we'd have to wait for the developers to come out with games like Marvel v. Capcom or Super Smash Bros. to answer these curiosities.

Now, we're more computer savvy.

Check out a few videos from a guy called Monty Oum (google him if you're interested, he also does cool photography and digital work). This first one meets the curiosity about who'd win, Samus (Nintendo's Metroid) or Master Chief (Bungi's Halo). You can definitely see inspiration from the Matrix. Surprise ending, gamers! It has a long intro, but once the action kicks in. . .

Oum is currently working on a series involving the female characters of Final Fantasy and the Dead or Alive series. If you're unfamiliar with these titles, Final Fantasy is an epic RPG that never really ends. There is no real 'Final' about that fantasy. Whatever. Dead or Alive is a 3D fighting game where the fighting is cool, but the developers thought that the women should all be busty and have their breasts jiggle in all directions whenever they move.

Misogyny aside, the fighting in these movies are super intense.This guy turns them into super fighting machines, for real. Check out part I and II of the three part series, Dead Fantasy:

1 Comment:

  1. Traci said...
    Hey Francisco. That really made my morning, thank you.

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