I don't like it unless it's brand new.

Party People! Long time no see! How are you? Anything new?

I guess it's as good a time as any to drop you a line. So many things have happened in the course of a one week period. 7 days. You're gracious host caught pink eye, a cold, was told that his cat was put to sleep and has an unyielding twitch in his eye that flares up when he's stressed. That twitch is great, it let's me know when I'm being stressed out.

Ok, that was a lie, or partially. My cat died a year ago. But I did catch pink eye. And I did catch a cold (which I killed expediently with many hot cups of Throat Coat tea). That twitch is there, but that's nothing new.

So, why am I telling you all this?

Well, let's play a little game.

Lies, All Lies

What lies do: deceive people into believing in a world that does not exist. Yes, we all know that. But where does it take us from there? Say, someone tells you that s/he love you, when s/he doesn't, can't, and you believe him/her. Then, the initial postulate is 's/he loves me.' Yes? Good. Lets ride the telescope now.

You now see the world from a foundation that includes 's/he loves me.' You look up to the sky, see with your own eyes that the sky is blue. The sky is indeed blue in a world where, 's/he loves me.' However, if 's/he loves me' is not true, then the world in which it exists is not true. Therefore, the sky is not blue in that world because there is no sky. Follow?

All interactions within a world that does not exist actually do not happen.

Now I hear you saying, "so what? S/He does not love me. In reality, even though I may be deceived, there is a real world, and in that world the sky is really blue." Here is where things explode, party people, because even though that statement may be true, you are not in that world, are you? I'm talking about you, your mind, your soul, your perception, your body. All that makes you you is grounded in that world where 's/he loves me'.

You are not in the real world where the sky is blue. Your are in the world where 's/he loves me' and the sky is blue. Therefore, you are not in the real world. Your are in a world that does not exist, therefore you do not exist. Get it?

So, what do lies do: they deceive people into believing that a world does not exist, they pull people into that non-existent world, therefore making these people non-existent themselves.

There are many people and groups of people out there who gain from lying to others, whether it be commercials showing happy people running down the beach, because they took a magic potion that makes them lose weight, or clears up their herpes. They are happy running down the beach. We laugh, "I guess everyone who has herpes are happy running down the beach." But, even in these areas, there are subtle lies inherent which makes these 'advertisements of the world' even more devious. Whether it be someone telling you s/he loves you and really doesn't, can't, for some reason or another.

The only way to truly exist, party people, is to be active in divesting ourselves of lies. Lies told by other people (who don't like to party, I guess), lies told by television, lies told by the radio. Any person or thing whose aim is to manipulate your reasoning and perception. At all cost we must remain steadfast in seeking out the truth in order to really be.

Here's a painting, not done by me, of someone lying to another.

Be safe, party people, and may God bless you.

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