I just need one more hit of dart. . . aaaaah.
-- Pirate Captain, Venture Bros. Season 3

Party People,

MS Vista was released January 2007 worldwide. Just two years and nine months later, Microsoft will release Windows 7. How does that make you feel, Vista owners? Sigh a relief? I heard Vista had a bunch of problems. They're saying 7 will make things better, like aloe salve on a sunburn (great grooming tip for guys - aloe gel or aloe lotion can be used as an aftershave; it doesn't contain alcohol, so it won't sap moisture and hurt your skin like the typical aftershave, the aloe will actually stimulate your skin to heal faster so those cuts and burns will disappear almost instantly. Get ready for that sexy shave, party people.)

Microsoft claims Windows 7 is the child of many "suggestions from you" and will make things faster, easier. Prettier. Sexier. It will take full advantage of touch screen application for those who buy a touch screen. Basically, if you want to buy a touch screen, Windows 7 will act as an enlarged iPhone or Palm Pre. Touch to go. Pinch to make pictures smaller. Wait till they come up with a way for the computer to touch you back.

It has a new feature called the jump list. This feature looks deliciously organic. The computer logs what you usually do with a program, so, when you access the jump list, you can access the item directly. For example, you listen to Sex Mob's rendition of Live and Let Die a whole lot in you media player. It's your favorite song. Instead of opening the media player and cycling through the list before you get to Sex Mob, you can actually highlight the program icon before opening it, right click to the jump list, then click on the song. The player opens up and accesses the song directly. You can also pin items to the jump list for your preference.

Windows Search. Taking the search function further, 7 gives you a search option on every folder. When you type in a file or folder name, a screen pops up similar to Google's (or Bing's) web search with a list, general summaries and key words. It even offers a file preview. Bang.

Speaking of Google, another operating system is due to come out in 2010: Google Chrome OS. They're targeting net books exclusively for now. But, they do plan on penetrating desktops. Their big hook is that the operating system will also be open source. This means anyone can get the code that runs the system and tweak it to their geeky delight. Hmmm.

Be safe, party people.


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